21 Days of Prayer & Fasting Guide 2025
Thank you for joining us for 21 Days of Prayer & Fasting! Over the next 21 days, we will be spending more time in the presence of the Lord. Whether you’re just drawing near to the Lord, or maybe you’re praying and believing for God to do the miraculous. We are asking you to choose a fasting plan that works for you. We are also asking you to pray for God’s will and for Him to shift things in your life, your family, your workplace, our church, THE Church, our city, our nation and in our world. What do you want to see happen this year? Be specific. Why are you fasting and praying? Do you need direction on a major decision, clarity for your future, healing in your body or for a
loved one, restoration of marriage or family issues or financial difficulties? Ask the Holy Spirit for guidance as you pray daily and read the Bible. You will see some of the things we are fasting, believing and praying for as a church outlined in the pages to follow. We believe these 21 Days focusing ourselves on God will be instrumental in all that God wants to do this year-- both in your life personally and throughout all God is doing at Life Church.
-Prayer should always be a part of your faith.
-Prayer doesn’t have to be long.
-Prayer really makes a difference.
Our goal is not for you to recite prayer prompts but to prompt your mind and heart to pray things that are personal to you. Powerful prayers are authentic, passionate and bold. We pray this framework helps you to have these types of powerful prayers.
With this daily devotional, you will be given different topics and scriptures each day, as well as an example of what to pray. Carving out a specific time to spend with God and having a physical list in front of you to pray over will motivate you to keep going when it seems impossible. Pray for what you are believing for personally, as well as the things we are believing for together as Life Church.
Be honest with God. Let Him know where you need help. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal areas of weakness. Invite Him to challenge and change you over the course of your fast. Watch as He expands your vision and strengthens your faith.
Fasting is about giving up food for a time in order to seek God in a deeper way. It’s not about losing weight; it’s about gaining vision. The type of fast you choose is up to you. You may choose to follow the rotating fast in this guide, or follow biblical
examples and give up only certain foods.
Sometimes it helps to turn off other noise in your life like TV or social media. No matter what you choose to do specifically during this fast, we believe that as you remove distractions you will hear from God in a clearer way. Before making any drastic dietary changes, please consult with your healthcare professional.
Fasting is not an obligation; it’s an opportunity to go deeper in our walk with God. Use wisdom and pray for guidance. You may choose to fast one thing for the first week and something entirely different the next. The choice is yours, we just want to commit to fasting in some way during this 21 Days of Prayer & Fasting.
When you fast, your body detoxifies, eliminating toxins from your system. This can cause mild discomfort such as headaches and irritability during withdrawal from caffeine and sugars. And naturally, you will have hunger pains. If possible, limit your
activity and exercise. Take time to rest. You are following Jesus’ example when you fast. Spend time listening to praise and worship. Pray as often as you can throughout the day. Get away from the normal distractions as much as possible and keep your heart and mind set on seeking God.
“The P-R-A-Y Model”
Tell God how much you appreciate Him.
This is a great way to begin your prayer time. Tell God how much you appreciate Him. Express your love for Him. Praise His power and majesty. You should never run out of praise.
Respond to what He’s done in your life.
Express gratitude for what God is doing and has already done. We have so much to be thankful for. Thank God for His love, His
faithfulness, His patience.
Ask for forgiveness, then ask for your needs/desires. Tell God where you have fallen short. Be specific. Confess your sins (1 John 1:9), and thank Him for the forgiveness you have in Christ and ask for help and strength to turn away from future temptations. Share your needs and desires with God, no matter how big or small they may seem. Nothing is too big or too small for God. He cares about every detail of your life. Pray for your own needs and for the needs of others.
Be still and silent for a short time. God still speaks. Get still, get quiet and listen for His voice. Ask Him to search your heart. (Psalm 139:23-24) Perhaps meditate on the scripture you read for the day, and allow Him to speak to you through it. Listen to what the Holy Spirit is prompting you to do. The Holy Spirit may show you an area you need to work on or change. He may tell you to pray for something or someone specific, or to do something for someone else. Just be still and listen.
Examples might be… Spouse/Marriage, Children, Family Members, Finances, Healing, Job/Work, Church, Friends, People Far From God, Government, etc.) BE SPECIFIC!
Fast: Dinner
Pray: Surrender
God, I surrender all. It is all yours. My yes is on the table. My will is yours, my heart is yours, my life is yours. God, I do not even
breathe without you. You are the very breath in my lungs. My life is no longer my own. I invite you in to every place of my heart. I say yes to anything that you ask. God, I want your will over anything. I know that praying this goes against my flesh, so I ask that you draw me nearer to surrender. Create a desperation in my heart. My heart cry is to want you more than anything else. God, I surrender. I want to know you more than anything else. You are Lord of my life and king of my heart. Show me any area that is not fully surrendered to you. Thank you for being Lord. Thank you for caring about me so much that you would give your son for me. I know that your word says that in Christ you have plans. So I say, Lord, have your way. I want your will. I give you permission to to have your way! I surrender all.
I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me. Galatians 2:20.
Prayer Prompts:
-God, search me and show me any area of my life that is not fully
surrendered to you.
•God, what do you want to do in my life today?
•God, humble my heart so that I may fully surrender to you.
Fast: Lunch
Pray: Protection
Lord, thank you that you are my ultimate protector. You have chosen me and adopted me into your family. Like a father protects his child, you protect me. The world is dark, but I believe that you take what the enemy meant for evil and turn it for good. The enemy has come to steal, kill, and destroy but you have come so that I would have life and have it to the fullest! (John 10:10) Thank you that you have given me the full armor
of God as protection from the schemes of the enemy. Father I choose today and everyday to put on every piece of armor that
you have given me to protect me. I choose to filter every thought that comes into my mind, and if it doesn’t line up with scripture
I will submit it to Christ. I choose to trust that you will protect my family and those around me. Lord, you have gone before me and you have plans to prosper me and not to harm me. Help me to remember that promise when things of this world try to creep in and tell me anything different. I will not live my life in fear of harm, I pray for your supernatural peace to flood my heart. Psalm 18:2; Proverbs 18:10; Ephesians 6:13-18
Prayer Prompts:
•Declare over any fears that God is your protection and that He will never leave you.
•Pray the full armor of God each day that is found in Ephesians 6.
Fast: Breakfast
Pray: Dependence
Heavenly Father, I devote my time and my attention to you. 1 Corinthians 8:4 says, “...We know that “An idol is nothing at all
in the world” and that “There is no God but one.” So right now, I turn my affections away from any idols I have made in my life and I turn them toward you. I know that my affections set my direction. I want to learn to trust you wholeheartedly, so that no matter what difficult situation I am in, no matter what adversity I am facing, no matter what giant or Red Sea is in front of me, I can trust your will, I can trust Your timing, and I can trust your ultimate plan for my life. Help me to learn what you need me to learn, and go the way you want me to go. Remove any striving, self-sufficiency and self-reliance from my heart. Forgive me for the times that I have trusted in myself, relied on in my own
strength, and pursued my plans without your will guiding me. Lord, let Your will be done. Help me to be the one that lays everything at Your feet. You are what I need and all that I desire. I place total dependence on you. Help me to practice hour-by-hour dependence on you. You are my rock and my refuge. I am so blessed because of you. In Jesus name, amen.
My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. Psalm 73:26
Prayer Prompts:
•Pray that as your flesh may be weak while fasting that the Holy Spirit will show himself strong.
•Pray over specific needs and claim dependence on God for those needs.
•Declare over any area of your life where you may have doubt that God is dependable and trustworthy.
Fast: Sun-up to sun-down
Pray: Joy
God, I want to live in joy. This life can be so difficult, frustrating, and heartbreaking, but I ask for your joy to be with me. Your Word says, “The joy of the Lord is your strength.” (Nehemiah 8:10b) I know trials, hurts, pains, and problems are to come, but your joy can be my constant strength through it all. So many things are competing to steal my joy, but God help me to keep my eyes fixed on you. Help me to remember that only you, God, can clothe me with joy (Psalm 30:11). I want to seek true joy only from you, because nothing else could ever satisfy me. Nothing
in this world will ever do, only you. Help me to see beyond the problems or circumstances in front of me and to praise you for what you have done and what you will do. I pray that joy be so evident in my life that others can see it and they want to know
how it’s even possible. And I pray that when that day comes, it may bring joy full circle as I have the opportunity to point them to the creator of my joy. God, you are so incredibly good to me. God of hope fill me with all joy and peace as I trust in you, so that I may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. (Romans 15:13 personified) In the mighty name of Jesus, Amen.
Prayer Prompts:
•Pray for joy to rise above the circumstances of your life (get specific).
•Pray for joy to be evident in your life and to impact those around you (name those you see daily).
Fast: Media
Pray: Power
Heavenly Father, thank you for your power in my life. Thank you for sending the Holy Spirit to empower me to live the life that
you’ve called me to live. And I know there will be times in my life when I am weak and weary, but you’ve promised that your power
will be made perfect in those times. Let your strength shine through me and let my weakness be a testimony to your power.
Thank you Holy Spirit for clothing me with power from on high (Luke 24:49). I pray that you would use me in the lives of others.
As you have given me power to resist the world, and say yes to you, help me to strengthen others to do the same. I want to be strong in you Lord, and in your might power. Help me to exhibit the Spirit that you gave me that is characterized by power, love, and self-discipline. And may all of this bring about obedience to you so that I may be seen as faithful in your sight. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Ephesians 6:10
Prayer Prompts:
•Pray that you would see trials and temptations as what they really are: tests of our faith that produce perseverance.
•Make it a point everyday to ask the Holy Spirit to clothe you with power to overcome.
•Read scriptures about God’s power: 2 Corinthians 12:9, 2 Timothy 1:7, Isaiah 40:29, Ephesians 6:6-10
Fast: Breakfast
Pray: Faith
God, I know that you are good and that you can do anything. Sometimes, even though I know this, I admit that I can find myself worried, afraid, and questioning. So, today I come to you with the heart of the man in Mark chapter 9 who exclaimed, “I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!” (Mark 9:24) Through the power of your Spirit, I choose to believe in your promises and your character, even when my circumstances tempt me to
doubt you. I CHOOSE to trust that you are faithful and that you cannot lie to me or fail me. I CHOOSE to trust that you are God
Almighty and that there is nothing too difficult for you. Lord, in every area of my life where there is worry, I ask that you would
remind me of your truth. Help me to fix my mind on, “whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure,
whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy” (Philippians 4:8). I speak to my doubts right
now and declare that they do not have the final say in my life. Lord, forgive me for all of the times that I have allowed my life to be led by my fears and doubts instead of by faith in you. Thank you that you desire to increase my faith and to draw me closer to
you. Amen. Ephesians 3:20-21, Hebrews 11:1-6, James 1:2-4, Romans 10:17
Prayer Prompts:
•Make a list of some times that you have seen God’s faithfulness in your life.
•Take a practical step today to fix your mind on what is true. (ex. listen to worship music, read your Bible, have a convo with a friend about what God is doing in each of your lives)
Fast: Lunch
Pray: Forgiveness
Oh God, help me to forgive. Help me to let go of what has been done to me. It is beyond me to forgive and I need your
supernatural strength. Your word says that I must forgive as I have been forgiven. I have been forgiven of so much. Thank you for your forgiveness in my life. Help me to receive it fully so that I may forgive much. God, what they did doesn’t deserve forgiveness but I can not let it control me any longer. I can not let the root of unforgiveness rule my life any longer. Today I want to forgive, and every day that I feel it come up again or I am triggered, I want to forgive. So God, I ask you to uproot every
part of unforgiveness in my heart. I release it all to you. I put it in your hands. And now God, I pray for the one who has hurt me. I
pray that they would find and know the same love in you that I have; that their salvation would be in you. Their hope would be in you. Just as much as I am fearfully and wonderfully made, so are they. Help me to see them as you see them.
But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins. Matthew 6:15
Prayer Prompts:
•God, is there anyone that I have unforgiveness or offense towards? (Write down the name of the person and the
•Write down any negative emotions that you think or feel when this person and the offense comes to mind.
•Pray the following prayer: God, I forgive ___(Name)____ of _____(Offense)_______.
Pray the prayer again if necessary.
Fast: Breakfast
Pray: Unity
Heavenly Father, we need you. I know that you call your people to be in unity with one another. Without unity, we’re ineffective
and not living in your will. We’re hurting, we’re struggling, and we’re aware, more than ever, of our own weaknesses and of the
dark forces that constantly surround us, fighting to divide and disrupt your Church. I choose to stand my ground today and say,
“no more.” I ask for your help to set aside differences and look to the greater cause, the cause of Christ. I ask that you would
help us to live a life of love. We pray for unity in our Church, families, community, and country; that in spite of our differences,
we would be willing to stand strong together and live with compassion and grace. Remind us to live aware, to redeem the time, listen to your words, and be willing to make a difference for your glory.
I appeal to you, brothers and sisters, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree with one another in what you say and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be perfectly united in mind and thought. 1 Corinthians 1:10 In Jesus’ name, amen.
Prayer Prompts:
•Pray for an awareness of division and how to mend it.
•Pray for uncommon grace for others.
•Pray for a broader perspective that looks past your own situation.
Fast: Sun-up to sun-down
Pray: Provision
Father, I thank you that no situation that I face is too far out of your control to provide for. You are Jehovah-Jireh, the God who
provides. It’s in your nature, it’s who you are. I’m so thankful that you know every single one of my needs before I even ask you. You know what concerns me, and you already have a plan. You hold the provision and you have the solution. Father, please forgive me for any doubt and worry in my heart against your promises. You say in Matthew 6:28-31 that I should not worry. You clothe the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow thrown into the fire, how much more will you clothe me? I claim these promises in the name of Jesus. I thank you in advance for your miracles. Thank you for paving out the pathways and making a way when there seems to be no way. God, I seek your kingdom and your righteousness FIRST, so that all my needs are met through you. (Matthew 6:33) You have more than I will ever need, in fact, you operate out of supernatural abundance. (Psalm 50:10). Therefore, I choose to trust you today and every day. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength. Philippians 4:12-13
Prayer Prompts:
•Tell God everything that you are grateful for. Write it down.
•Ask God to teach you to be content in all circumstances and to lean on him.
DAY 10
Fast: Media
Pray: Knowledge of God’s Will
God, I want to know and walk in your will for my life. As in Romans 12:2, I ask that you help my mind to be transformed and renewed so that I may be able to understand your will for me clearly. God, shape me and mold me so my heart desires what your heart desires. Search me, Lord. Help me to identify anything that I have allowed to distract me from what you have for me. I surrender it here and now. I trust and believe that your ways are higher than my ways, Your thoughts are greater than my thoughts (Isaiah 55:8-9). Your plans for my life are far better than anything I could ever try to accomplish on my own. God, help me to let go of control and to grab hold of all that you have for me. Help me to remember that I don’t have to figure it all out on my own. I am so thankful that you are for me and you’ve gone before me in whatever is to come in my life. God, I choose to seek you
for all that is and is to come and to trust you in the process.
And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. Romans 8:28
Prayer Prompts:
•Pray for knowledge of His will in your job, family, current decisions, etc.
•Pray for God to speak to you; then sit and listen.
DAY 11
Fast: Dinner
Pray: Miracles
Heavenly Father, I know that there is nothing too hard for you. You are the God of miracles, and I need your miracle-working
power to intersect my life. I believe you’re able, and I know you’re willing. So, I ask that you show up and perform a miracle in my life. I need your power and your presence. But not only do I want you to do a miracle in my life, Father, I ask that you do a miracle through my life. Use me as an agent of the miraculous to accomplish your will on Earth. I want to be a conduit of your power and presence in the lives of others. Even something simple can be a miracle to someone in need. So, use me as your
instrument. I’m open and available.
“‘If you can’?” said Jesus. believes.” Mark 9:23
“Everything is possible for one who In Jesus’ name, amen.
Prayer Prompts:
•Pray that you would have a deep belief in God’s power and ability.
•Pray that you would trust that God is sovereign and knows what is best.
•Pray that you would believe that God will use you.
DAY 12
Fast: Lunch
Pray: Wisdom
God, Your word says that you will generously give wisdom to Your children when they ask you for it (James 1:5). Today, I ask that you would give me Your wisdom in every area of my life. I know that your ways are higher than my ways, and your thoughts are higher than my thoughts (Isaiah 55:9), so I put my trust in you. I choose to lean on your wisdom and not on my own, limited understanding. Help me to see the circumstances and situations in my life with new clarity and perspective. I acknowledge that true wisdom begins with reverence for you (Proverbs 9:10), so help me to seek to honor you in everything that I do. Lord, please remove distractions and confusion, and help me to hear your voice clearly. Help me to lay aside any selfishness, bitterness, or other sinful attitudes that would cloud my ability to see things your way. I choose to seek your voice through prayer and the reading of your word, and I pray against any doubt or confusion that would cause me to second guess your voice in my life. Please forgive me for the times that I have tried to do things my way and without consulting you. I thank you that you are a God who desires to give me wisdom and peace. Amen.
Prayer Prompts:
•Pray for wisdom in each area of your life (i.e. marriage, friendships, job, finances, parenting, etc.)
•Look to the Bible about these areas of your life to help you pray in line with God’s heart.
•Read these scriptures about wisdom: Ephesians 1:17, Proverbs 2:6, James 3:17, Proverbs 16:16, Proverbs 3:5-6
DAY 13
Fast: Breakfast
Pray: Search Me
God, search me and know me. I want You so deeply. I desire You more than anything. I do not want anything to be in between You and me, so I invite You to search me. Know my heart, my actions, my attitudes. Search every part of my heart: my thoughts, my intentions, the deepest places. I give you full permission to show me.. (Read Psalms 139: 22-23. When you pray something like this you should sit with the Lord for a few minutes and let Him search you. Maybe even have some worship music. There are times that He shows you right away and there are times He convicts you and shows you that it’s your attitude, anger, anxious thoughts, un-forgiveness. When He shows you, write it down. Then come back to this prayer.) God thank you for showing me ______________________. I give it to you. Forgive me for ____________________.
I know that when I confess, You are faithful to forgive. Show me how to correct it. Show me what you want to be done with it. Show me how to walk forward from this. Speak to me in this place. (Again listen. He will show you what to do with it. Sometimes it’s an attitude and you have to submit it to Him. You have to come up with ways to submit that attitude to God’s spirit or a scripture
to speak over yourself that combats that attitude. At times just the repentance of it to God is all it takes for freedom. Sometimes
you have to go ask for forgiveness from whomever you have wronged. Sometimes He convicts of a behavior and actions you
do daily. Sometimes He shows you a thought pattern. Submit it to the Lord and find a scripture to replace that thought with.
Write down a plan in that moment with the Lord on how to combat those things.)
DAY 14
Fast: Lunch
Pray: Love For Others
Father help me to see everyone around me the way that you see them, as your sons and daughters. Help me to receive the unconditional love that you have offered me and allow it to transform and shape the way that I see and interact with those you have put around me. Lord, I want to have a love so deep for others that all they see in me is you. Help me to love people in such a way that is life changing. Help me to see every person around me at my job, in the grocery store and driving down the road through your eyes. I ask that you would open up my eyes to see the hurting, the broken and the lost that need your love. I repent and ask forgiveness for walking out my life in wrong
judgment towards those around me based on their beliefs or lifestyle. I recognize that their actions are not my responsibility and everyone’s greatest need is you!
Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ Matthew 22:37
Prayer Prompts:
•Thank God that He loves you unconditionally, and that He sent His son to die on the cross so that you can experience
that tangible love. Ask Him to allow you to experience that love in a new way in order that you may show it to others.
•Ask God to show you someone today that needs to hear about His love for them.
DAY 15
Fast: Lunch
Pray: The Holy Spirit’s Leading and Guiding
Heavenly Father, I have chosen to have intentional time with you. I pray, Holy Spirit, that you move more boldly in my life. Forgive me for when I have ignored or dismissed your voice. Forgive me for any sin that has grieved you (Ephesians 4:30). You are my helper. Help guide every step that I take, every word that is spoken from my mouth, every thought that I have to be life-giving, pure, noble and true. Help me to display the fruits of the Spirit: Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness and Self Control. Holy Spirit, I humbly ask for your gifts. Impart your infinite wisdom in me and equip me to do what you have called me to do. Holy Spirit, thank you for being my comforter. Thank you for always being with me. Lead me away from the characteristics in my life that are not of God, and help me to become more like Jesus. Empower me to live a life that
displays witness to the power of Jesus, and His saving grace (Acts 1:8). Help me to be more sensitive and submissive to your voice and your leading. Help me to know when to act and when to wait. Give me the strength and boldness to take the next steps, even if they are uncertain. I claim the authority and power of the Holy Spirit in my life. I ask that you continue to pour out your Spirit. I receive it now, in the mighty name of Jesus, Amen.
But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. John 14:26
Prayer Prompts:
•Ask for the Holy Spirit’s wisdom and guiding for any particular areas in your life that seem uncertain or unclear.
•Ask for the Holy Spirit to show you areas where you are lacking fruits of the Spirit and why.
•Ask for any gifts of the Spirit that you desire that may help you live out a life fully devoted to God.
DAY 16
Fast: Dinner
Pray: Our Families/Parents/Children
God, I pray for our family to be set apart, to be different from the world, and to be wholly dedicated to you. Let this be evident in the way we not only treat others, but how we treat each other. Help us to speak life to each other daily. To be kind to each other
and use words to build each other up. Help us to freely extend grace and forgiveness to one another as you have so abundantly
done for us. Help us all grow in our individual relationships with you. When we each grow closer to you, we can all grow closer together. I pray for your protection for our family. God, I trust your Word when it says in 2 Thessalonians 3:3 that, “the Lord is
faithful, and he will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one.” So I claim that protection over our family today knowing
that you are faithful to keep your promises. I pray your protection over each of our hearts, minds, wills, and emotions. The enemy has no place in our family. Help us to identify anything that is not of you and to remove it so the enemy may not even have a foothold in our home. God help my family to live in the knowledge that you are for us. I pray that your favor be on our family as we continually seek you.
“The Lord bless you and keep you; Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.” Numbers 6:24-26
Prayer Prompts:
•Pray for your family by name (spouse, child(ren), parents, etc.)
•Pray for protection over areas you feel your family may be being attacked (finances, health, mental/emotional health, relationships, etc.)
DAY 17
Fast: Lunch
Pray: Deliverence
Jesus, I ask for strength and complete honesty as you guide me through every area of my life. I want to live in the freedom and
joy that you promise me. I want to experience the abundant life found in you. You know me fully and you love me. I receive your gift of total forgiveness for any areas that I am living in bondage. Your voice is gentle and compassionate. Help me to resist any condemnation or shame that the enemy wants to speak over my life. I know that only you can save and deliver me from the things
that try to bind me. I take this moment to declare that you are my God and the only one I serve. I will take back all authority
that I have given over to the enemy and will not allow myself to be trapped by addiction, thought patterns, lust, pride, greed, or
anything else that would take your place in my life. You are my deliverer and I know that you can set me free. Your word says, “So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” (John 8:36) I know that I don’t have to live another day in bondage from my own choices or the choices of those around me. I declare that the Enemy has no authority over me and I claim the name of Jesus over my life and family. I resist him and his schemes so he must flee (James 4:7). Thank you, Lord, for your deliverance in my life. I will choose freedom everyday because I know that is your will for me.
Prayer Prompts:
•Pray for strength to resist temptations to fall back into self-induced bondage.
•Declare that if God is for you, who can be against you.
•Thank God that even though the Enemy may form weapons against you, they will not prosper if you trust in the Lord.
DAY 18
Fast: Sun-up to sun-down
Pray: National Leaders
God, today I intercede on behalf of our nation and our leaders. I ask that you would provide our leaders with Godly wisdom to make decisions that align with your heart and character. Help their hearts to be discerning of good and evil. I pray that
their decision-making would be free from corruption. Expose and bring justice to evil in any area of our government. May our leaders put the needs of others before themselves and be true servant leaders. Next, I pray that if any of our government
leaders are far from you, that your Holy Spirit would draw them close. Give our leaders a healthy respect for you, God. Give our leaders Godly advisers like Joseph and Daniel. I stand in the gap and repent of our sins on behalf of our nation. Help us walk
in your ways and in your will. I pray for a national revival and a return to your truth. I pray against the forces of darkness and
schemes of the enemy in my nation. Heavenly Father, help me to be the change that I desire to see in this country. I declare
that I am available in my home, at my job, and in my community, because I believe that change starts with me. I also repent of any times that I have allowed my political opinions to stand in the way of me truly loving those around me as you love them.
Help me be the “Light of the World” that Jesus spoke about in Matthew 5. In Jesus’ Name I pray, amen.
Prayer Prompts:
•Pray (by name if you know) for our president, congress, senators, state, and local government leaders…
•Read scriptures on prayer for leaders: 1 Timothy 2:1-4, Proverbs 11:14, 2 Chronicles 7:14
DAY 19
Fast: Media
Pray: Salvation of the Lost
Heavenly Father, Luke 10:2 says “The harves is plentiful, but the laborers are few.” I know that the harvest is ripe. Help me to not miss the tremendous opportunity that I have to partner with the Holy Spirit to pray for the lost. Help me to understand your ministry, your power, and your work in the earth. Give
me discernment to see those that need you. Give me wisdom, understanding and insight into their lives. Father, I pray for those who do not know Christ. I pray that right now, in the name of Jesus, you remove the spiritual blindness from their eyes. Help them to understand the truth about you. That YOU are the way, the truth and the life (John 14:6). Bring them to repentance and salvation (Acts 3:19). Help me to be your light in their lives. Help my light to shine before men, that they may see my good
deeds and glorify my Father in Heaven (Matthew 5:16). Show me how to be your witness and how to show acts of love to those around me. God, I just want them to experience you like I have experienced you. I want them to experience freedom. I want
them to experience true joy, comfort, peace, and love like they have never seen. Holy Spirit, draw them in. In the great name of
Jesus I pray, AMEN.
“...to open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in me.” Acts 26:18
Prayer Prompts:
•Pray specifically by name for those that you know that are far from God. (Loved ones, friends, neighbors, co-workers, etc.)
DAY 20
Fast: Lunch
Pray: Peace
God, you reveal yourself in the Old Testament as “the Lord our Peace.” This means that in your presence, character, and ability, you provide everything I need to experience your peace. Help me to experience your peace throughout my day, in both the mundane tasks and the chaotic moments of life. God, I thank you that when life is heavy or when things feel uncertain, I can lean on you, the Lord our Peace. Jesus, you are referred to in Isaiah 9 as the “Prince of Peace.” Today, I remind myself that peace is not a place or state of being; rather, peace is a person, and His name is Jesus. Because of you, Jesus, I can now experience peace from God and peace with God. I give you all of my worries and fears and receive your words found in John 14, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” I choose now to surrender to you the things in my life that I cannot control: people, plans, and the things that are out of my hands. I will no longer fill my mind with worry and fear and expect peace. God, show me any habits, people, or influences in my life that are feeding my worries and stealing my peace. Finally, let peace start with me. Help me to deal with people and situations in a peaceful manner. Help me to be a peacemaker! (Matthew 5:9) In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.
Prayer Prompts:
•Take a moment to be still. This can look like putting on a worship song, relaxing your shoulders, taking a deep breath, closing your eyes. Just take this moment to acknowledge God’s presence and welcome His peace into your day.
•Ask God to show you what it would look like for you to carry peace into your workplace/home/school today.
•Read these scriptures about peace: Psalm 4:8, Psalm 55:22, John 16:33, Philippians 4:6-7
DAY 21
Fast: Sun-up to sun-down
Pray: Spiritual Growth
Lord, I pray that you would help me to grow in my walk with you. I know that your will for me is to grow and not stay stagnant in my faith. I pray that you would give me an understanding beyond my own ability and a knowledge of your word. Help me to have a
hunger and desire to know you more, grow in grace, and develop Christ-like characteristics. Let it never leave my mind that every day is an opportunity to grow. Let my mind be renewed, my heart be receptive, and my spirit be ready. I know that I can only
grow if my heart is full of the truth. I pray that you would sanctify me by the truth because your word is truth (John 17:17). Help me to hide your word in my heart so that I might not sin against you. Grow me in the knowledge of your truth so that I can recognize the lies of the enemy. I want to live in a way that is honoring and pleasing to you, and I know that as I do, your Holy Spirit will produce fruit in my life. In Jesus’ name, amen.
We continually ask God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives, so that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience, and giving joyful thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of his holy people in the kingdom of light. Colossians 1:9-12
Prayer Prompts:
•Pray that as you cultivate and tend your heart, God will bring growth.
•Make a plan to read your Bible every day; this is our primary source of spiritual growth.
•Pray the Fruits of the Spirit from Galatians 5:22-23.