Life Church's Early Days
Life Church is a fellowship of the Assemblies of God and its beginnings go all the way back to July 1951, at 112 W. 2nd Street, with Reverend and Mrs. Emigh Fuller. Pastor Fuller, with the blessing of Assemblies of God leadership in Wichita, joined the remnant of people searching for a pastor and established the first Assemblies of God church in Emporia. The Fullers then built a parsonage west of the church and later built Sunday School rooms upstairs on the east end of the church. God used the Fullers to save people and bring healing and wholeness to the community around them.

Expanding the vision...
Then from 1965-1969, Reverend Charles W. Spong and his wife pastored First Assembly of God at 15th and Trailridge.
First Assembly of God Life Centre
Pastor Reg and Jo Larson then transitioned the church in 1982 from 15th and Trailridge to build on the northwest side of Emporia at 1801 Graphic Arts Rd.

First Assembly of God Life Centre Adds On A CE Building
In 1994 Pastor Paul and Jan Knight saw the need to house more Christian Education and offices.
Our More Recent Past
Pastor Tony and Teri Lantz started pastoring First Assembly of God Life Centre in 2003. In 2004, the church voted to change the name to Life Church. In 2013, we planted a second location at the Katy Train Depot in Council Grove.

Pastor Terry Yancey from the Assemblies of God in Kansas, led the ceremony to become a sovereign church. Since that time, the church bought the old body shop (Doc’s Auto Body) and transformed that building into a church.

After renting the Katy Train Depot for a while, Pastor Brad Good led our 2nd location to be healthy enough to go from ”Parent Affiliated” 2nd location status, to being a sovereign church on it’s own.

Be a part of our story...
Join us every Sunday for our Sunday Experience @ 10:30am—12noon.