LC Missions

Faith Promise Giving

Would you prayerfully consider giving a regular amount to missions either weekly or monthly? This is an amount that you would give regularly above your tithe and offerings. We call this FAITH PROMISE GIVING. Your FPG allows Life Church to add missions and missionaries both locally and globally.

"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit"

Matthew 28:19 (ESV)

One of the most powerful ways to advance God's Kingdom is through missions giving. Giving to missions at Life Church goes to advancing the gospel locally as well as through ministries and church plants all over the globe. 

Life Church Missions and Missionaries

US Missionaries

World Missionaries

Zach & Hannah Bowling
(Chi Alpha - KU)

Jason & Danica Geesaman
(Foster Care Kansas)

Terence & Laurel Harris
(Afghan Refugees, Tulsa OK)

Lynette Mincks
(Native Americans)

Chris & Sarah Geeseka
(Church Mobilization)

Casey & Liz Bratcher
(K-State Chi Alpha)

Dayton & Ann Poe
(Free International - Human Trafficking)

Local Missions

Emporia Christian School

Emporia Rescue Mission & Harvest Kitchen

Emporia Radical Life Core Community

Life Care Center Pregnancy Services

Shiloh Home of Hope For Women & Family Life Services Pregnancy Center

Joshua Tree Wellness

African Oasis Water Project
(provision of water and Jesus in Africa)

Crystal Alexander
(Scotland, Church Plant)

Austin &Shanda Brown
(Germany, Europe)

Tyler & Elina Charvat
(Germany, Europe)

Jan Cunningham
(Romania, Europe)

Tiffany Day
(Sicily, Italy)

Bryan & Misti Elliott
(Wales, Europe)

Barrett & Eugena Gibson

Doug & Kerry Marsh
(Royal Rangers International)

Bruce & Lisa Ridpath
(Colombia, Latin America)

David & Paula Stanislaus

Ben & Belu Grams

A&L B.
(Arabian Peninsula)